
iTrees vol.2 Summer(3ds max夏季树木3D模型)景观园林小品 22

iTrees vol.2 Summer(3ds max夏季树木3D模型)


此合集专为VRayScatter进行设计优化,其中包含了12种树木与3种灌木。每种分类包含5种不 同形态。其外它还包含8种标准树木用于填充大面积植被区域。拥有这83种植物模型,你将能创建出真实的花园、森林等场景。

模型需要3ds max 2009或更高版本和V-Ray打开。

This collection is specially designed for use with VRayScatter. It includes 12 types of trees and 3 types of bushes. Each one includes 5 different shapes. In addition to those there are 8 standard trees designed for filling huge areas. With this 83 model collection you will be able to create realistic – paradise like gardens and forests.

